Monday, 28 November 2011

Floors all gone so on with the chassis

 Back of the chassis looking a little worse for ware
 Front section in line with the B pillars
 Front section plated and welded

boxed the inner side to add strength, all fully welded

Work is moving on

A resonable amount of work has gone on since the 16th, I'll try not to post every photo as it will be a little drab.

Here are a few shots of the stripping out of the floor etc.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Anouther late night.

As always something gets in the way of sleep, this time its learning how to blog, thought it was a good idea at the time, eyes are heavy but the willingness to learn drive on, drives better than most of the projects on the go at the mo, most have them have no floors in them, or engines, or anything when I come to think of it. Time for the sandman to enter, good q for a song.